Becoming Great


”You cannot be one thing inside and experience another reality outside.”

​Your creative power, your offering in the world, your presence before others is a result of who you are inside. We have relationships with many things in the external world, but a relationship that defines you is the relationship you have with yourself. As paradoxical as it sounds, yes, you have a relationship with yourself.

How can there be two in me? How can there be a relationship if I am just one?

You are not a person, but a series of personalities who are continually claiming the stage of your attention. One part of you wants to be a millionaire, another part says ‘I’m happy with what I have now, I don't need the millions’. One personality says ‘I want to live in a different country’, another personality says ‘I prefer to continue living here” and so on.

All these personalities are like a crowd inside us. They are like a great community market, many people talking at the same time, some personalities in opposition to others and some of them in harmony.

Every time you experience a situation in life that impacts you emotionally or psychologically, if the impact is negative, you have the possibility of experiencing that situation ‘completely’ at the moment it occurs. The problem is that the mind tries to avoid suffering so we escape and try to forget or suppress it.

What about that emotional charges left unexperienced, or only partially experienced? They pass into the unconscious and attracts a sphere of thoughts that vibrate at the same frequency of the charge. If it’s a charge of emotinal suffering, then it will create an crooked personality. For example when you end a bad relationship and are afraid to trust others again. Or when you fail at something and are afraid to face that kind of situation again.

Life will try to complete these unfinished processes by bringing opportunities to re-experience those unfinished charges and thus free ourselves from these limiting personalities. This directly affects the relationship with yourself, discovering a greater peace each time you resolve the incompleteness within and becoming able to offer this world the gift that makes you unique in this creation.

Experiences with positive emotional impact are no problem, because we can fully experience them in the moment and create auspicious personalities.

Quincy Jones, perhaps the most recognized music producer in the world, who produced and composed Michael Jackson's songs among other great artists, when asked what was the most valuable secret he learned in his life that allowed him to become so big. He said:

"Your music will never be more or less than what you are as a human being."

Then he added, "That's why I dedicated myself to work on myself."


What do you need to work inside to create the life you want to experience outside? Is there anything unfinished that must be completed from your past?

29 January 2020 • Written by Daniel Bellone.