Mantra is an ancient advanced form of Yoga that imprints the unconscious mind with mental formations that are auspicious and conductive for personal growth. Sound directly creates an effect in the unconscious, even before the conscious mind interferes. That is why, if you hear a sudden noise, your body will respond before any interpretation.
Several scientific studies have been done scanning the activity of the brain in realtime and indeed, both chanting and listening to Sanskrit Mantra creates very specific activity in the brain, eventually leading to more permanent results with more exposure and change in the brain structure. Slowly modern science is arriving to the same conclusions of those ancient seers who where studying the relationship between ‘sound and states of consciousness’.
In Japan, a researcher called Masaru Emoto took samples of pure water from a spring in Japan and froze them, observing a symmetrical hexagonal pattern displayed as the ice was melting. Then he continued by adding labels to the water containers and exposing this pure water to different words such as ‘love, gratitude, hate’ and so on. He observed how the words had a profound effect on the geometrical patterns of the melting ice cubes or lack of geometry in the case of the negative words.
The positive words seemed to enhance and even further the complexity and beauty of the pure water formations while the negative words would destroy the pattern alltogether and create a very chaotic configuration. He continued his experiment exposing the water to different kinds of music to observe similar results. Classical music with harmonic compositions would create complex symmetrical patterns and aggresive music would create similar chaotic patterns as those observed with the negative words. Given that our bodies are at least 60% made of water, this information is relevant to how we can induce a greater wellbeing in our lives. See the water chrystals here>
Different Mantras are used for different purposes, since they are very specific in terms of the effect produced. Each Mantra evokes different aspects of the collective consciousness, qualities that all of us have within ourselves in more or less intensity and the focus is to reinforce those aspects that we would like to develop and expand.
There are Mantras to raise consciousness in the realms of abundance & prosperity, health, love & relationships, success, clarity, strength & perseverance, peace, fertility, spiritual insight, inspiration & creativity, liberation of karma, sacredness, devotion, false identification with the mind & personality, liberation of obstacles, inner integrity, wisdom & learning, and many others.
• Awakening Through Music • is a vision to create a synergic emergence between the power of ancestral Mantras and modern sounds of contemporary styles to uplift the listeners of all faiths & cultures around the world in the path of personal growth, spiritual connection and wellbeing, engaging the listener to an experience beyond entertainment.
This music has the power to create a shift in the collective consciousness and help humanity move from competition to cooperation, from division to oneness, from indiference to connection, from the individual into the collective • and in this way move together in the most auspicious direction restoring all the beauty that this planet can be.