शिवमानसपूजा - रत्नैः कल्पितमासनं
Shiva Manasa Puja
रत्नैः कल्पितमासनं हिमजलैः स्नानं च दिव्याम्बरं
ratnaiḥ kalpitamāsanam himajalaiḥ snānam ca divyāmbarām
"I have imagined a seat made of gems for You, and for Your bath, the water of the Ganges, and Divine garments."
नानारत्नविभूषितं मृगमदामोदाङ्कितं चन्दनम् ।
nānā ratna vibhūṣitam mṛgamadā modāṅkitam candanam
"Various jewels adorn You, and You are anointed with musk and scented with sandalwood."
जातीचम्पकबिल्वपत्ररचितं पुष्पं च धूपं तथा
jātī campaka bilva patraracitam puṣpam ca dhūpam tathā
"Flowers made of Jasmine, Champaka, and Bilva leaves, and also incense,"
दीपं देव दयानिधे पशुपते हृत्कल्पितं गृह्यताम् ॥१॥
dīpam deva dayānidhe paśupate hṛtkalpitam gṛhyatām
"O God, ocean of compassion, O Lord of all the creatures (Puaśupate), please accept this Light imagined in my heart."
सौवर्णे नवरत्नखण्डरचिते पात्रे घृतं पायसं
sauvarṇe navaratna khaṇḍaracite patre gṛtam pāyasam
"In a golden vessel studded with the nine types of gems, here is the ghee and the milk pudding,"
भक्ष्यं पञ्चविधं पयोदधियुतं रम्भाफलं पानकम् ।
bhakṣyam pañca vidhaṃ payo dadhiyutaṃ rambhā phalaṃ pānakam
"Five kinds of food, milk, yogurt, a banana fruit, and a beverage,”
शाकानामयुतं जलं रुचिकरं कर्पूरखण्डोज्ज्वलं
śākānām āyutaṃ jalam rucikaraṃ karpūra khaṇḍojjvalaṃ
"A thousand kinds of cooked vegetables, water pleasing to taste and shining pieces of camphor,"
ताम्बूलं मनसा मया विरचितं भक्त्या प्रभो स्वीकुरु ॥२॥
tambūlaṃ manasā mayā viracitaṃ bhaktyā prabho svīkuru
"Betel leaves prepared by me in my mind with devotion, O Lord, please accept."
छत्रं चामरयोर्युगं व्यजनकं चादर्शकं निर्मलं
chatram cāmarayor yugaṃ vyajanakaṃ cādarśakaṃ nirmalaṃ
"An umbrella, a pair of yak-tail fans, a fan, and a spotless mirror (to reflect ourselves without distortion),”
वीणाभेरिमृदङ्गकाहलकला गीतं च नृत्यं तथा ।
vīṇā bhēri mṛdaṅga kahala kalā gītaṃ ca nṛtyaṃ tathā
"A lute, drums, mridangams, and flutes, music and dance as well,"
साष्टाङ्गं प्रणतिः स्तुतिर्बहुविधा ह्येतत्समस्तं मया
sāṣṭāṅgaṃ praṇatiḥ stutiḥ bahu vidhā hyētat samastam mayā
"Prostration with eight limbs, salutations and various praises, all this I have offered You,”
सङ्कल्पेन समर्पितं तव विभो पूजां गृहाण प्रभो ॥३॥
saṅkalpena samarpitaṃ tava vibho pūjāṃ gṛhāṇa prabho
"With resolve, I offer to you, O Almighty, this worship, O Lord, please accept."
आत्मा त्वं गिरिजा मतिः सहचराः प्राणाः शरीरं गृहं
ātmā tvaṃ girijā matiḥ sahacarāḥ prāṇāḥ śarīraṃ gṛhaṃ
"You are the Self, Girija (Parvati) is the intellect, the life forces are your companions, my body is your house,"
पूजा ते विषयोपभोगरचना निद्रा समाधिस्थितिः ।
pūjā tē viṣayō pabho garaśana nidrā samādhi sthitiḥ
“Worshipping you is the object of my senses, my Lord, eating (garaśana), and even sleep (nidrā) are not merely mundane activities but are acts of reverence done with a sense of devotion to You”
सञ्चारः पदयोः प्रदक्षिणविधिः स्तोत्राणि सर्वा गिरो
sañcaraḥ padayōḥ pradakṣiṇa vidhiḥ stotrāṇi sarvā giro
“My walking or movement of my feet is equated with the sacred practice of pradakṣiṇa, a ritual of walking around You, all my spoken words are considered hymns of praise, every utterance is an expression of devotion to You”
यद्यत्कर्म करोमि तत्तदखिलं शम्भो तवाराधनम् ॥४॥
yadyat karma karōmi tattadakhilaṃ śambho tavārādhanam
"Whatever action I perform, all of that is indeed your worship, O Shambho (another name for Shiva)."
करचरणकृतं वाक्कायजं कर्मजं वा
kara cara nakṛtaṃ vākkāyajam karmajam vā
श्रवणनयनजं वा मानसं वापराधम् ।
śravaṇa nayana jam vā mānasam vāparādham
"Whether actions done by my hands or feet, words spoken with my voice, actions done by my body, or those perceived by hearing and seeing, or sins committed by the mind,"
विहितमविहितं वा सर्वमेतत्क्षमस्व
vihitam avihitaṃ vā sarva metatkṣamasva
जय जय करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेव शम्भो ॥५॥
jaya jaya karuṇābdhe śrīmahādeva śambho
"Whether I have done good or not, please forgive all of these. Victory to You! O ocean of compassion! Glorious great Divine! Shambho."