Divine Order
”Every incident, event or happening has a Divine timing and a Divine order and is Divinely planned.”
Every little thing in our life is meaningful, has a purpose and is connected to everything else.
Everything emanates from the Source, that coordinates every level of manifestation in perfect harmony, at the perfect moment, according to the Divine order. We may not understand why we are experiencing certain painful situations, or at times when unexpected things happen, or undesired changes that life brings about, but if we could see the full picture we would find that everything is coming from the supreme intelligence out of pure unconditional love.
Look back and remember a challenging situations of the past, and how desperate you were at that time of uncertainty. Now, some time later, you can see how that experience fits perfectly into the fabric of life. Observe the significance of that experience and how it contributed to who you are today.
Seeing this truth will allow you to open up to the feeling that you can trust life, that life always knows when & what kind of situations to bring to you and that everything is always for the best of all.
The mind can never understand with its limited perception the greatness of the Divine order. The mind can only be afraid of losing something is attached to or try to avoid an unwanted future projection.
We are part of the All, we are One with Everything, and Everything is like the body that is taking care of each one of its cells, bringing them nutrition, protection, and direction at every moment.
Are you able to trust life?
Can you feel that everything happening in your life right now has a Divine order and is coming from unconditional love?
February 4th, 2020 • Written by Daniel Bellone.