Yin & Yang
”Everything contains the seed of the opposite.”
There are no absolute situations. In the manifested world, everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites • Yin & Yang
Every situation we live in has these two sides, a positive pole and a negative pole. Sometimes we focus more on the positive pole, when we are happy and joyful • when our energy is high; Other times we focus on the negative pole, when we feel weak and fearful. We hold the situation accountable, but if you look deeper, the only difference is what you decide to focus on • This happens mostly unconsciously.
We define a situation as horrible, but if you look deeply, the seed of the opposite is there.
“Like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree."
When we say that something is hot or cold it’s always in relation to something else, both are identical in nature, differing only in degree. The thermometer indicates degrees of temperature, the lower pole being called "cold" and the upper pole called "heat". Between them there are many degrees of heat and cold. Depending on what we are comparing we can say that it is hot or cold, but in reality • everything is relative to its opposite.
In the same way, hate and love are two opposite poles of the same nature, only varying in degree. As well as courage and fear; optimism and pessimism, health and disease, among others.
“Extremes meet.”
We see it on the musical scale when we reach the end of the last note we return to the first one again. Or if for example, we travel to the east enough, we will reach the west. If we move north we will eventually reach the south.
The difference between one pole and the other is basically higher or lower vibrations.
Right now, if your vibration is low, you are going to look at the situation humanity is facing polarized in the negative. But if your vibration rises, you can see the same situation completely the opposite.
This could be a special and awaited moment in your life; This may be the beginning you've been waiting for so long; This moment has the potential to become a celebration if you are able to change the degree to which you are polarized.
Focus your mind on the positive pole • you can use prayer, meditation, mantras, breathing and any other tool that helps you to raise your state of vibration.
The world needs a critical mass of dreamers who can see the Golden Age and therefore manifest it.
"The external world is just a reflection of our inner dream, of our state of consciousness."
9 April, 2020 • Written by Daniel Bellone.